About Me

My photo
I'm a simple person...nice..haha..nice ke? sapa yang tau n know me je k.. loving, caring....and the most thing is i LOVE MY MOM. DAD, UDA, ADIK, KAK NOT, ABIL, MuQRI and the special one...LOKMAM..hehe

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Perasan sebentar...;)

Time Change Everything!!!



Myself also change....hehehe..
Walau apa pun perubahan yang berlaku Myself is still myself ..
I love my mom and dad, my sister and brother and all...
Just change to better and better...

Hidup ini penuh nikmatnya....;) Muah.


Me with sista..
Sya gemukkk..

That's my TASYUK...Muah

Muka gedik...hahah

Pameran Kawin...auuuu..

Lips like Apple.!!

Terserlah kegeikkan..kahkah...


2013...Blocking color


Such a long time i didn't touch my dearest baby,...I'm sorry my dear i'm not pay attention toward you..hehe..
Alhamdulillah last semester run smoothly andi hope so in this semester...but all in all focus and focus...think about ayah and mak, they want to see me success....InshaAllah...


Oh no my age is already up and up....but its oky..age is not the big matter that i must thing..maintain to be young oky..=) After 1 and half month having semester break i have going back to Universiti to continue my job as a student. Feel sad to leave them that i love..especially my little "TASYUK" big boy who are very clever now...Oh miss him so much...Bye2 ..i will see u for the next month sayang,...muahhh <3

First Day Class!!!!

This semester me dh xdudk hostel , so xpayah naik bus pagi2 dah..Horaayyyy...Just walk in ..haha..it take around 15 minit from my house to my campus...First day everything look weird for me ..friend and the environment itself..haha..dah lama tinggal kan...by the way everything ok...but the schedule not ok..huhu..Let everything left behind, just focus on study..cayookk....
Semoga ilmu yang diberikan mendapat keberkatan dari-Mu Ya Allah..Amin...

Celebrating my ToToi Birthday!!!!

My totoi ask me that he want new shoes to replace the old one yang sgt dh terkoyak dan xdapat pakai..okyla for your birthday present i will buy..hehe...I'm sorry that i did'nt wish your previous birthday....alright delete delete all the past and past thing ..now lets the story begin..haha...But i don't have cake to give it to you..i just belanja u makan chicken chop sbb tu yang u nak makan kan..hehe..Happy Birthday ke ? hehe....i hope that u always success in your life and happy with the person thatu love much which is ME.!! hahaha..and also your family.....Amin..


Since i dh dok dekat dengan kampus, i get the new tittle "BODY GUARD" ..hahaha...u makn i kena teman, u nak mana u bawak i..hahaha..suka2...

 (While waiting food: Dua2 poyo..haha)
